Apr 20, 2020

God Made Girl

Happy Monday! I've lost track of how long we've been quarantined but it's been long enough for the shock to have worn off and acceptance to kick in.  That doesn't mean we have to like it but it does mean we have to use it for good.  Our lives are full of seasons all of them giving us the opportunity to make great impacts and to grow.

Gracious I want to reach out and hug the necks of my family and friends!

You gals remember those W. W. J. D. bracelets that were ALL the rage decades ago (gracious I'm getting old).  That's a trend that needs to come back! We need to always be doing what Jesus would do.

We've all found ourselves in situations where we are lost as to how we are to manage because it was either outside of our plan or we are just flat out unhappy with it.

I remember 4 years ago praying so hard about my career and feeling so frustrated that I wasn't in a position that I believed I deserved. A gal at church knew my struggle and I'll never ever forget the encouragement she shared with me. She said, 'Sarah Louise you need to change your prayer to asking God to open your eyes to where He wants you to serve'

All I could focus on was the job title, the compensation, the portfolio size, the location ... the list goes on and on.  I had a very specific plan for where I needed to be.
Rather than demanding a specific type of provision or blessing from God, I needed to trust the plan and provision God was going to give me.

These times are challenging and God knows that.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,

    and do not lean on your own understanding.

In all your ways acknowledge him,
    and he will make straight your paths.

Rather than turn to the content that's out there and gracious it's out there in abundance telling us how to persevere in a way that suits your personal happiness, let's turn to the Word.

Society is NOT our standard! #amen

It is not simply that we believe in God, but that we believe God.
Though we are prone to wonder, His promises never break.

YOU are a God made girl!

Let's go create a colorful world that glorifies Him!

Dress Beautifully Doing What Jesus Would Do

XOXO Sarah-Louise

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