Apr 10, 2020

Friday Favorites: Blue & White Motif

Good Friday blessings to you! May we remember, we are saved not by what we do but by what Christ has done. 
It is finished!

Spend today and this Easter weekend enjoying the blessings God has generously given you. Soak up the joy with the people you do have around you to help diminish the sadness of missing those you can not see. Gracious, I'm heartbroken to not be worshiping in our church, hugging on my Mamma and watching Vivian hunt eggs with her cousins. But praise for technology that allows us to video and love that knows no distance

On a colorful note, I love a blue and white motif.  I mean, I live in it as it's the design palette of our home. It's a cool and calm contrasting pairing and it's something Ryan and I both agree on. He's a UNC Chapel Hill alum so Carolina blue is his favorite.

There something refreshing and very classic about blue and white.  It's truly my favorite combination!

Here are several beautiful blue and white pieces I'm loving ... 

I shared this Jumpsuit (still available) on this post last year

Dress Beautifully in Blue and White

XOXO Sarah-Louise

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