Jan 5, 2016

Beautiful Plans

I'm a planner.  I just can't seem to fly by the seat of my pants and be spontaneous.  Ok well every now and then I embrace the unexpected or schedule change but for the most part I function on routine.

Last year had very little routine and it drove me crazy! But I'm hopeful that 2016 will bring structure and consistency to my world.

In order to stay organized I function with a planner.  I know what year it is and that technology is king but with a lot of things I prefer the old way of doing it; writing things down in my calendar and daily to-do section followed by the therapeutic crossing it off is everyday joy for me.
I also find using phones and tablets rude.  We are all on them constantly so I find it refreshing to put down the electronics and use a book.

For the past 3 Christmases I've received a Kate Spade planner.  I must say they are my favorite.  It's organized with tabs, monthly calendar view and lined spaces for daily entry.
You have to find one that's organized for your best use and of course that's aesthetically pleasing!!

Tip:  If you are in a professional setting, I suggest passing on the planners with bright colors or loud design.  Opt for neutral colors or even leather. 

Mine is already full of exciting plans, things to accomplish and goals to achieve; all to keep me on track for a happy, productive and organized year.

Here are some planners I believe you may like!

Polka Dot  -  Floral  -  Watercolor  -  Gold  - Personalized   

Dress Your Desk & Your Schedule Beautifully

XOXO Sarah Louise

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