Jun 21, 2016

Summer To-Do List

Sunshiny Days!  That’s what comes to mind when I think of Summer – and the beach, watermelon, soirees, vacations, lemonade; I could go on and on but most importantly it's about all the fun I can squeeze in with my friends and family!
Yesterday was the first official day of Summer, ( I know I’m a day late posting, life happens) but honestly it’s felt like Summer outside for 2 months now.

So if you know me in ‘real life’ or you’ve been reading for a while, you know that I’m a professional list maker.  It’s a part of my daily life!  It’s how I function in the office and at home in staying organized and productive.  Write it down and cross it off.  I get an accomplishment high off of striking through each and every task. 

I've even tried to use technology/my phone since toting around my planner can be heavy and obnoxious on the weekends. It's just not the same as writing on paper! 

Naturally, every Summer I make a to-do list for all the fun things I want to do.  Life is so busy that it’s easy to lose track of time, so I make a list that reminds me to incorporate enjoyable stuff.

Summers are for making memories.  The kind that are full of belly laughs and sweet moments with the ones you love. 
I found inspiration for some of my to-do’s from other summer lists and incorporated some new-to-me experiences that have me so excited I’m counting the days!  Maybe my list will inspire you :) 

Here’s my Summer To-Do List …

Dress Beautifully While Crossing Off Your Summer To-Do List 

XOXO Sarah Louise

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