Apr 23, 2019

Capsule Wardrobe Essentials: Chambray & White

I know you've heard and seen the term 'capsule wardrobe' but what is it? Basically it's a 'mini wardrobe made up of really versatile pieces that you totally love to wear.'  I'm 100% guilty of NOT having a capsule wardrobe.  But, I'm not the hoarder of clothes I used to be either. #balance

I adore the principles of a capsule wardrobe.  Having very few pieces, most recommend around 40, that can be paired in many ways and repeated to eliminate excess in your closet.  While I believe a minimal approach is amazing in almost all aspects of your life, I just can't (don't want) to purge down to that level when it comes to my clothes.

What you will find is that about 75% of my wardrobe is made up of classic, timeless pieces so that I do achieve versatility and longevity.

For example: I wore my wedding rehearsal dress from 9 years ago this past Sunday for Easter. 

If I were to create a capsule wardrobe there would be white jeans and a chambray top.  I can NOT live without lots and lots of white and chambray is so clean, fresh and comfortable matching pretty much everything! 

For a current approach, these wide leg crop jeans and puff sleeve top check all the trend boxes.  Personally I'm obsessed with a puff sleeve.  I have narrow shoulders and it adds a feminine detail that balances my figure.  And the wide leg crops are super relaxed and really show off your shoes. 

My style is polished so I had to tuck and add a belt. It's those touches that define your personal style. 

Dress Beautifully in Chambray & White

XOXO Sarah Louise

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