Nov 25, 2019

Mamma Monday: Important Work

Happy Monday Mammas! It's a short week ... eh but do we ever get time off?? Being a Mamma is forever and ever but ideally we get extra hands to help this week.  It's almost Thanksgiving day and while we should always have a grateful heart I believe it's important to stop and reflect on the abundance of undeserved blessings we have and hopefully you get to do that alongside loved ones.

Today didn't go the way I had planned (I'm currently writing this sitting in my bed) but gracious if that isn't motherhood!  Vivian didn't sleep well this morning or during nap due to a cough.  She needed me today. I started to get frustrated with her as I had several things I wanted to accomplish today and I was genuinely looking forward to a long nap.

But she needed me.

What an honor to be what she needed.

Whether you're a Mamma, wife, daughter, sister, gal pal or all of these you are needed!
You have a special purpose in blessing others.
God has you here to do important work and it just so happens it may be within the walls of your home.

This past Sunday at the end of teaching my middle school class we had to go around the room sharing 3 things we were thankful for because it's tradition this week right?! Gals, my eyes filled with tears and my heart nearly burst as several of my students mentioned having me as their teacher.  I don't share this to be boastful in any way but to let you know that even if you don't think you're making an impact you are.  It's not about me but what God is doing through me.

We all do important work loving others!

Dress Beautifully Doing Important Work

XOXO Sarah-Louise

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