Dec 3, 2021

Friday Favorites: Tartan Season

TGI-Christmas time! The Christmas magic is here and sprinkled throughout our home.  We've decorated nearly every room with lights, greenery and lots of red velvet. It is true, seeing Christmas through the eyes of a child is pure joy! 

Red & green may be the colors of the season, but plaid is the print! Funny enough, plaid is actually one of my least favorite prints. I believe it's because it's most often masculine, dark and seasonal. But when I do find the pattern in a a unique blend of light colors with feminine embellishments I quite fancy it.

This blouse is a perfect example of a pretty plaid. The mix of scale, lighter blues, modern shoulder and lace eyelet details gives this a classic and girlie look.

Here are some festive tartans to celebrate the season in ...

Saved my favorite for last! 

Dress Beautifully in Plaid

XOXO Sarah-Louise

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